A Belgrade pour un débat sur la zone euro au-delà de la crise financière
Yves Bertoncini, Secrétaire Général de Notre Europe, participera au 2eme Belgrade Security Forum sur le théme « Coping with the crisis: Challenges to democracy and security », du 20 au 22 Septembre 2012, Hotel Hyatt Regency, Milentija Popovica 6, Belgrade, Serbia.
Mr Bertoncini will participate in the Session 7: Fighting financial crisis: the Eurozone and beyond, debating following topics:
• The financial crisis spreading across Eurozone countries have emerged into an urgent problem for policy and decision makers. One of the most important questions emerged is Can the Eurozone be saved or is it too big to bail?
• Additional questions that still instigate wider debate are should Europe move ahead with deeper political integration process or establish rules that would simulate a “fiscal union?” Is fiscal union the key to resolving the exposure of the Eurozone to debt crisis?
• Whether introducing Eurobonds and expanding the Eurozone’s bailout fund would be sufficient and long lasting solution? How to conduct efficiently Europe-wide bank recapitalization?
• Addressing the Eurozone’s deeper defects cannot be postponed endlessly therefore is the solution: founding a comprehensive system of economic governance and enhanced powers for the ECB so that it can act as a lender of last resort?
• In the longer term, how can radical reforms in capital, product, and labor markets aimed at boosting competitiveness and restoring growth prospects in the EU be effectively implemented?
• Almut Moller, Head of Program, Alfred Von Oppenheim Center for European Policy
Studies, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
• Yves Bertoncini, Secretary General, Notre Europe
• Kori Udovicki, President, CEVES