A Venise pour un débat sur la gestion européenne de la crise des réfugiés
Yves Bertoncini anime la table ronde consacrée à la gestion de la crises des migrants et des réfugiés du point de vue des entreprises dans le cadre d’un séminaire organisé par le Council for the United States and Italy.
How to handle the refugee and migration crisis. A business perspective.
Maurizio AMBROSINI, Professor of Sociology of Migration, University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences
Erik BELFRAGE, Chairman and Partner, Consilio International (Stockholm); Chairman of the International Council of Swedish Industry (NIR)
Randel K. JOHNSON, Senior Vice President, Labor, Immigration, and Employee Benefits, US Chamber of Commerce Hamdi Ulukaya, Chief Executive Officer, Chobani (invited)
Chair: Yves BERTONCINI, Director of the Jacques Delors Institute