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Beyond Weimar : why our common European democracy is needed more than ever!
Download pdfBy Yves Bertoncini, Dr. Linn Selle, Martin Święcicki, the Presidents of the European Movement in France, Germany, Poland.
“Initiative for Europe”, “Awakening of Europe”, “Union of Nations 2.0” – these catch words were produced by our governments and their representatives in the past years. “Getting Europe right” and “Renewal of Europe” are the latest demands of leading politicians of our countries. True, none of our governments is content with the current state of the Union. Even EU treaty changes are back on the agenda, in order to make our continent fit for internal and external challenges.
These three countries have a special responsibility. Germany and France shall be free of pretentiousness towards the rest and especially the east of the continent. Berlin and Paris must invest in more multilateral diplomacy beyond Franco-German declarations. The traditionally freedom orientated Poland shall become again a driving force for a pan-European pluralistic democracy.
Please you may find the full statement here.