In Atlantico: Has its membership of the euro zone suffocated the debate in France?
Guest of Atlantico on Sunday 26th April for a contradictory debate on the consequences of belonging to the euro zone for the public debate in France with Jean-Sébastien Ferjou and Edouard Husson.
A debate based on the following three questions:
1. In 1983 François Mitterrand decided to stay in the European Monetary System rather than leave it as recommended by Jean-Pierre Chevènement. Then, in 1992, the Maastricht Treaty was signed, imposing intellectual ruts on French society.
2. How did we end up with this intellectual asphyxia as a result of our membership of the euro zone?
3. How can we get out of the intellectual asphyxia linked to our membership of the euro zone without making the same mistakes in reverse?