On CNews: “Europhobia has been defeated in this country”
In view of the European elections on 26 May 2019, Yves Bertoncini analyses the attitude of French political actors towards the European Union.
According to him, following the defeat of Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election, “europhobia was defeated in this country”, on the other hand we find today in France “several nuances of euroscepticism”. In reviewing the French political landscape, Yves Bertoncini recalled that Emmanuel Macron was “the embodiment of europhilia“, with his election celebrated to the sound of the Ode to Joy – but that today La République en Marche calls for a complete reform of Europe.
In a context where most French politicians are Eurosceptic, even to varying degrees, the President of the European Movement – France warns of the difficulty for future French representatives to find compromises at European level: “In France, opinions are getting closer, but they are moving away from the European centre of gravity”.