Quoted by L'Opinion on 1 April 2020 in an article on European divisions over coronavirus...
Clarifying the stakes of the debate on the EU raised by the fight against the...
The global spread of the coronavirus is creating a health, economic and social crisis in...
Guest of Radio France Internationale news hours on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 March to...
Guest of France Info's Midday News on Thursday 26 March to analyse European economic responses...
Guest of Radio France Internationale's Midday News on 17 March 2020 to comment on the...
Co-author with Marie Caillaud (President of the Young Europeans - France) and Ophélie Omnes (President...
Guest of the programme "Le temps du débat" on France Culture on 9 March 2020...
Guest of "Tout un Monde" on LCI on Saturday 7 March 2020 to discuss with...
Emmanuel Macron's refusal to open accession negotiations with Albania and Northern Macedonia at the end...