On 23 June 2016, the British people will go to the polls to decide whether...
Yves Bertoncini, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, speaks in the opening plenary of the...
Yves Bertoncini, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, speaks in a debate organised by the...
Yves Bertoncini, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, speaks in a round table about the...
Guest of la Maison de l'Europe in Paris and IRIS on 2 April 2016 for...
Yves Bertoncini débat lors d’un panel consacré à la crise des réfugiés et la crise...
Intervention during the first session of the 2015 Tatra Summit in on the "State of...
Our director Yves Bertoncini speaks in Milan on the 3rd of October 2015 at the...
Guest of the 2017 Vaclav Havel European dialogue to debate about the perspectives and limits...
Yves Bertoncini intervient lors d'un séminaire organisé à Londres le 24 septembre 2015 par l'Université...