Guest of the European Movement Spain on August 30, 2021 along with Pier Virgilio Dastoli...
Invited to give the opening speech at the Colloquium "DSA/DMA: how to achieve European digital...
Participating in the 1st plenary session of the Conference on the future of Europe as...
Guest speaker at a debate/webinar organised by the Regions of France association on Tuesday 11...
Guest of the European Movement Haute-Garonne, the Young Europeans Toulouse, Pulse of Europe Toulouse and...
Guest of the Open Society Foundation for Albania at the occasion of an online seminar...
Invited by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and The Greens/EFA on Monday 22 March 2021 to...
Events | FrancEurope | FrancEurope | Videos
Speaker at the conference-debate on the European legacy of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing organised by the...
Chairman of the high level Round Table "The EU’s Biodiversity strategy in a fragile world:...
Countries of the EU | Economy / Euro / Budget | European democracy | Events | Life & future of the EU
Guest of the European Movement Germany on the 26th of October 2020 for an online...