Guest of the programme "Le temps du débat" on France Culture on 9 March 2020...
Guest of Radio France Internationale on 20 February 2020 for the programme "Le débat du...
Guest of the RFI English "Paris Live Brexit special" on 31 January 2020 to debate...
Guest of Radio France Internationale on 31 January 2020 for a debate on "post-Brexit" UK...
Guest of Carrefour de l'Europe on Radio France Internationale on 19 January 2020 for a...
Guest of "Cultures Monde" on France Culture on December 13, 2019 for a debate on...
Guest of Radio France Internationale on 26 May 2019 for a debate on the results...
European democracy | European democracy | FrancEurope | FrancEurope | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Media | Sounds
While there are only a few days left to register on the electoral rolls, only...
Countries of the EU | Countries of the EU | European democracy | European democracy | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Media | Sounds
While the refugee crisis is now a thing of the past, the identity passions it...
Europe & the world | Europe & the world | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Media | Sounds
A quatre mois des Elections européennes du 26 mai 2019 et après une année 2018...