Yves Bertoncini, Président du Mouvement Européen-France, s’est exprimé cet après-midi sur RMC à 15h00 pour...
Sometimes abused in France, conspired by the authorities and a part of the population in...
Guest of Radio France Internationale for a debate with the Turkish Ambassador to France on...
In just 15 days, Donald Trump has jostled the planet with his personality, his way...
Guest of "Foreign Affairs" on France Culture on 7 May 2016 for a debate led...
Guest of France Culture on 5 May 2016 for a debate : "Is Europe too...
Guest of "Foreign Affairs" on France Culture on 21 November 2015 for a debate led...
Guest of "Foreign Affairs" on France Culture on 5 September 2015 for a debate led...
Guest of RTL on 6 July 2015 for a debate on the follow-up to the...
Guest of Europe 1 on 4 July 2015 on the Médiapolis programme for a debate...