Our director, Yves Bertoncini, speaks the 12 May during a citizen coffee in Saint Mandé...
Our director, Yves Bertoncini, speaks during a conference organised by the CFDT – Ile de...
Our director, Yves BERTONCINI, speaks in Budapest on 23 April during the first conference of...
Our director, Yves BERTONCINI, speaks in Budapest on 23 April during the first conference of...
Yves Bertoncini moderates a debate on the theme “Europeans in 2030 : all united ?”,...
Yves Bertoncini is the keynote speaker of a debate held in Lens on 14 April...
On the 7th of April 2014, over 600 people gathered at the Parliament Palace in...
Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and VoteWatch Europe invite you to a conference on the “15...
Invited by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly to a hearing on...
Events | FrancEurope | FrancEurope | Videos
On February 11, 2014, the ESSEC Tuesdays hosted Jean Pisani-Ferry, Yves Bertoncini and Jean-Dominique Giuliani...