Guest of the "18-20" of France Inter on 31 December 2020 for an interview on...
My interview with Michel Caniaux and RCF Charente-Maritime on Monday 19 October 2020 on the...
My interview on the state of the European Union with RCF Coeur de Champagne, on...
Guest of the programme "Au bout du jour" on RTBF on 8 June 2020 for...
Guest of "Café Europe" on France Inter on 31 May to discuss the best way...
FrancEurope | Media | Sounds
Guest of "Café Europe" on France Inter on the 2nd of February 2020 for a...
Guest of the Radio Classique "Focus Eco" program on 3 February 2020 to analyse United...
Guest of Europe Midday News program 1 on the 1st of February 2020 for an...
Guest of "Cultures monde" on France culture on 31 October 2019 for an interview on...
On the morning of 17 October 2019, an agreement between the EU and the United...