With only three weeks to go before the European elections, the election remains a subject...
A video evoking the historical origin and practical dimension of the Schengen Agreement on the...
My take on Emmanuel Macron's party strategy in the new European Parliament - answering questions...
In view of the European elections on 26 May 2019, Yves Bertoncini analyses the attitude...
Invited by APCO Worldwide in March 2019 to analyse the main issues at stake in...
Yves Bertoncini, President of the European Movement - France, is the guest of BFM TV...
Countries of the EU | Countries of the EU | European democracy | European democracy | FrancEurope | FrancEurope | Media | Videos
Yves Bertoncini, President of the European Movement - France, was invited to the BFM TV...
Guest of RFI and invited to answer the question "2019, European Year?" ahead of my...
Countries of the EU | Countries of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Media | Videos
Rejet du budget prévisionnel italien, accord sur le Brexit : plusieurs crises internes secouent l’Europe...
An interview with APCO Worldwide on the impact of Brexit for the United-Kingdom and for...