While on Monday evening, March 12, 2019, the British Parliament rejected the agreement put on...
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A few months before the 2019 European Elections' Day, current events are marked by national...
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On Tuesday 5 March 2019, Emmanuel Macron published in the press of the 28 countries...
Guest of BFM Business on Tuesday 5 March 2019 from 12:30 to 13:00. The President...
Yves Bertoncini, President of the European Movement - France, is the guest of BFM TV...
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Yves Bertoncini, President of the European Movement - France, was invited to the BFM TV...
Yves Bertoncini, President of the European Movement - France, was Sonia Mabrouk's guest on Monday...
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Le Président du Mouvement Européen – France, Yves Bertoncini, était l’invité de Florian Delorme sur...
Avec 432 voix contre et seulement 202 voix pour, le Parlement britannique a rejeté l’accord...
Il y a tout juste 20 ans, l’euro faisait son entrée sur les marchés financiers...