Events | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Sounds | Videos
Speech at the conference organised in Rome on March 20, 2017, by the Istituto Affari...
Countries of the EU | Countries of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Media | Sounds
Une Europe à plusieurs vitesses est-elle la solution ? Les dirigeants européens sont réunis à...
Guest of Radio France Internationale for a debate with the Turkish Ambassador to France on...
In just 15 days, Donald Trump has jostled the planet with his personality, his way...
Events | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Sounds | Videos
Intervention during a debate in Rome, February 7, 2017, organised by the Istituto Affari Internazionali...
Guest of "Du Grain à moudre" on France culture on 22 December 2016 for an...
Guest of Europe 1 on 5 December 2016 to analyse the political consequences of the...
Speech on solidarity in the EU at the closing round table of the 70th anniversary...
Guest of RTS on 16 November 2016 for an interview on the impact of the...
Guest of France Info Radio on 2 October 2016 to analyse the issues of the...