Guest of Europe 1 on 2 October 2016 for an interview on the theme: "Hungary:...
Guest of RFI on 2 September 2016 for an interview on the impact of the...
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After the British decision to leave the European Union, can the EU still tempt the...
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The first session of the Think Tanks Tandem initiative takes place on 8-9 July 2016,...
Guest of RFI English on 16 May 2016 for an interview on EU Turkey-relations facing...
Guest of "Foreign Affairs" on France Culture on 7 May 2016 for a debate led...
Guest of France Culture on 5 May 2016 for a debate : "Is Europe too...
Guest of Europe 1 on 15 April 2016 to analyse Pope Francis' visit to Lesbos...
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RFI's David Coffey talks to EU Specialist Yves Bertoncini from the Institut Jacques Delors here...
Guest of the French radio RTL to talk about the EU-UK negotiations and the impact...