The increasing instability in the EU’s neighbourhood is high in the agenda of European and...
Speech on solidarity in the EU at the closing round table of the 70th anniversary...
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The first session of the Think Tanks Tandem initiative takes place on 8-9 July 2016,...
The Jacques Delors Institute, in cooperation with France terre d’asile, organises a debate about the...
Key note speaker of a conference organized by Sciences Po Dijon, les Jeunes Européens Dijon...
Yves Bertoncini, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, gives a lecture, organised by the Danish...
Yves Bertoncini, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, gives a conference on the Future of...
Our director Yves Bertoncini is the key note speaker of a conference held in Dijon...
Events | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Powers of the EU | Powers of the EU | Sounds
With the Juncker Commission now in office for a hundred days, the Jacques Delors Institute...
Our director, Yves Bertoncini, speaks the 12 May during a citizen coffee in Saint Mandé...