Guest of la 1ère, a broadcast of Radio Télévision Suisse, on Monday 27 June 2016....
Guest of Public Senat on June 24, 2016 for a debate moderated by Nora Hamadi...
Interviewed on 23 June 2016 by the Lebanese daily L'Orient-Le Jour on the political stakes...
Author of an Op Ed in Le Monde on 20 June 2016 to highlight the...
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RFI's David Coffey talks to EU Specialist Yves Bertoncini from the Institut Jacques Delors here...
Guest of RTL on 22 February 2016 to analyse the negotiations between David Cameron and...
Guest of Europe 1 on 18 January 2016 to analyse the European procedure against Poland...
Quoted by Le Temps on 12 January 2016 in an article dealing with the EU-Poland...
Quoted by Handelsblatt in an article on 3 August 2015 dealing with the evolution of...
Guest of BFM Business for an analysis of the results of the EU-Greece crisis summit...