In Le Monde on 30 June 2015 for an Op Ed on the Greek crisis...
In La Croix on 10 May 2015 for an interview on the British membership referendum...
In the Huffington Post on 26 January 2015 after Alexis Tsipras' victory in the Greek...
In La Croix on 25 January 2015 for an interview on the political impact of...
Guest of "Foreign Affairs" on France Culture on 11 October 2014 for a debate led...
In the Huffington Post for an article published on 30 September 2013 and co-authored with...
In La Libre Belgique on April 9, 2013 for an interview on Margaret Thatcher's European...
In Le Monde of March 1, 2013, to call not to make the EU the...
Guest of France 24 English on 22 November 2012 for a debate on David Cameron's...