Countries of the EU | Economy / Euro / Budget | European democracy | Powers of the EU | Publications
An analysis on the Troika and the political and democratic dimension of the Euro Area...
Analysis on the enlargement process of the European Union and its political and diplomatic perception...
Countries of the EU | Economy / Euro / Budget | European democracy | Life & future of the EU | Powers of the EU | Publications
Tribune on the necessary reinforcement of the European and national parliaments roles in the governance...
Foreword of a Study by Aziliz Gouez entitled "Forty years a-growing – An overview of...
An interview with the Spanish daily La Razon on the European Union position as regards...
Synthesis of the book by Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul on the "European Federation of Nation-states".
Tribune on the impact of the European Union and Euro zone membership on the exercice...
A summary of the main lessons is available here. Extracts from the publication available here.
Article on the need to shift from an institutional communication to the transmission of political...
Article on the difficulty to draw the lessons from the Spring 2005 negative referenda -...