Yves Bertoncini intervient lors du séminaire organisé par Policy Network à Londres le 28 octobre...
Our director, Yves Bertoncini, is the keynote speaker of a debate on our proposal of...
This panel discussion was held in Riga, on 12 September 2013, and featured: - Henrik...
Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors et la Foundation of European Progressive Studies organisent un...
Yves Bertoncini speaks at the Round table on “The democratic deepening of Europe and solidarity...
Yves Bertoncini prononces the opening adress of one of the Round tables of the conference...
On the occasion of Europe Open Days in Valence (Drôme region) organized by the Club...
In Rome for the opening speech of a seminar on the European Union budget co-organised...
On October 16, 2012 Notre Europe organises a conference on Competition-Cooperation-Solidarity: Facing the New EU...
Yves Bertoncini, notre secrétaire général, participera le 1er juin 2012 à » European Week in...