Economy / Euro / Budget | Events In Torino for a seminar on the European fiscal compact Yves Bertoncini, notre Secrétaire Général, intervient lors de la réunion d'un groupe de réflexion organisé...Read more
Economy / Euro / Budget | Events | Life & future of the EU In Brussels for an Egmont on the european economic governance Yves Bertoncini, Secrétaire général de Notre Europe, participera à la conférence intitulée « European Economic Governance: Current...Read more
Economy / Euro / Budget | Events | Life & future of the EU In Belgrad for a debate on the Euro zone beyond the financial crisis Yves Bertoncini, Secrétaire Général de Notre Europe, participera au 2eme Belgrade Security Forum sur le...Read more
Economy / Euro / Budget | Events | Life & future of the EU In Bruges for a debate of the political foundations of European solidarity Yves Bertoncini, secrétaire général de Notre Europe intervient lors la Conférence organisée par le Collège...Read more
Economy / Euro / Budget | Events In Torino for a seminar on the EU multiannual financial framework in times of crisis On 7th and 8th July 2011 Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors and Compagnia Di San Paolo...Read more