Guest of the 11 pm France 24 News hour on Saturday 18 July to analyse...
In Ouest France on 18 July 2020 for a Tribune putting into perspective the negotiations...
Quoted by Media 7 on 17 July 2020 in an article devoted to the negotiations...
Guest of BFM Business on Wednesday 1 July 2020 for an interview on the priorities...
In Atlantico on 1 July 2020 for an interview analysing the political and financial scope...
Invited by France Info on Friday 19 June 2020 to analyse the stakes of the...
Guest of the programme "Au bout du jour" on RTBF on 8 June 2020 for...
Guest of "Café Europe" on France Inter on 31 May to discuss the best way...
In La Croix on May 28 for an Op Ed putting into perspective the France-Netherlands...
Interviewed by France Info on May 27th at 12:40 pm to analyse the European recovery...