Guest of the France 24 news show at noon on Saturday 15 February to analyse...
Author of an Op Ed explaining the reasons for Emmanuel Macron's refusal to open EU...
Guest of Carrefour de l'Europe on Radio France Internationale on 19 January 2020 for a...
Author of an Op. Ed explaining the reasons for Emmanuel Macron's refusal to open EU...
Author of an Op. Ed explaining the reasons for Emmanuel Macron's refusal to open EU...
My interview with "24 chasa" (a popular Bulgarian daily newspaper) focusing on Emmanuel Macron's ambitious...
On Sunday 1 September 2019, Yves Bertoncini, President of the European Movement - France was...
In the light of Emmanuel Macron's visit to Serbia, one of the 5 candidate countries,...
France, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada celebrated the 75th anniversary of the...
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A quatre mois des Elections européennes du 26 mai 2019 et après une année 2018...