Europe & the world | Media | Mobility / Schengen | Sounds On RFI to deal with the refugee crisis and EU-Turkey relations Guest of Allo Bruxelles on Radio France Internationale on 21 October 2015 to deal with...Read more
Europe & the world | Media | Mobility / Schengen On TV5 Monde : “L’espace Schengen résistera-t-il à la crise migratoire ?” Quoted by TV5 Monde on 15 September 2015 in an article untitled : "L'espace Schengen...Read more
Europe & the world | Media | Mobility / Schengen | Sounds On France culture : “Europe : the migration challenge” Guest of "Foreign Affairs" on France Culture on 5 September 2015 for a debate led...Read more
Europe & the world | Media | Mobility / Schengen | Sounds | Videos On Europe 1 : “La sortie de Schengen n’est pas prévue” Guest of Thomas Sotto on Europe 1 on 1 September 2015 for an interview on...Read more
Economy / Euro / Budget | Europe & the world | Media In La Croix on the European sanctions against Russia In La Croix on 10 August 2015 for an interview dealing with the European sanctions...Read more
Europe & the world | Media | Mobility / Schengen | Sounds On RFI to discuss the proposals made by Jean-Claude Juncker to face the refugee crisis