Quoted by L'Opinion on Friday 26 March 2021 in an article on European and French...
Guest of the February 2021 issue of the magazine "Enjeux" for an interview on the...
Invited by LCI on 26 December 2020 to discuss the post-Brexit EU-UK agreement and its...
Quoted by Les Echos on 4 December 2020 in an article devoted to the European...
In Le Vif-L'Express on 20 November 2020 for an interview on the "re-foundation" of Schengen...
Guest of Philippe ROSSI in the programme 'Les vraies voix' on Sud-Radio on Thursday 5...
Guest on the France 3 Champagne-Ardenne television news on 9 October 2020 for an interview...
Guest of "La semaine de l'éco" on France 24 on 25 September 2020 for a...
Invited by Pascal Perri on LCI on 22 September 2020 for an interview on the...
Guest of Bonsoir Bruce on BFM TV on 21 July 2020 to detail the content...