Guest of RFI English on 7 February 2017 for an interview on the state and...
In "El Pais" on 17 January 2017 to co-author with Enrico Letta and other members...
Guest of Public Senate on 6 October 2016 for an interview with Nora Hamadi on...
In the Huffington Post on 14 September 2016 for an Op Ed calling on Europeans...
Countries of the EU | Countries of the EU | Countries of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Media | Sounds | Videos
After the British decision to leave the European Union, can the EU still tempt the...
In the Greek daily "To Vima" on 16 July 2016 for an article on the...
In La Repubblica on 4 July 2016 for an article analysing the consequences of Brexit...
Countries of the EU | Europe & the world | European democracy | Life & future of the EU | Media | Videos
Guest of Europe Nuit to discuss the possible consequences of Brexit on the European Union...
In Le Temps on 28 June 2016 for an interview on the state and future...
In Télérama on 27 June 2016 for an interview on the consequences of the British...