European democracy | Life & future of the EU | Media In Le Monde : “From a Europe of States to a Europe of Citizens” In Le Monde on 8 March 2012 to co-sign an Op Ed entitled "From a...Read more
Economy / Euro / Budget | Media In Libération : “Leur nom est bonds, eurobonds” In Libération on 18 October 2011 for an Op Ed calling for the creation of...Read more
Economy / Euro / Budget | Media In The Guardian to call for the creation of eurobonds In The Guardian on 18 October 2011 for an Op Ed calling for the creation...Read more
FrancEurope | Life & future of the EU | Media In La Croix for a portrait The French newspaper La Croix dedicates a portrait to me in its section "What will...Read more
Economy / Euro / Budget | Media | Videos On France 24 English : Who can save Europe? Guest of France 24 English on 22 September 2011 for a debate on the financial...Read more
Economy / Euro / Budget | FrancEurope | Media | Powers of the EU | Videos On Public Sénat after the appointment of Michel Barnier as European Commissioner Guest of Public Sénat on 27 November 2009 for an interview on the appointment of...Read more