An Op.Ed on the future of UK & the EU after the Brexit referendum, co-signed...
An Op. Ed calling Europeans to act better together to face their collective security challenges,...
Op. Ed. aiming at fighting the myth saying that the EU doesn't respect the results...
A European call to face the refugee crisis better co-signed with Piero Gastaldo, Aart de...
Synthesis of a Jacques Delors Institute steering committee meeting dealing with the European policies on...
An Op. Ed. on the EU-UK agreement negotiated by David Cameron in the perspective of...
A policy-paper co-signed with Antonio Vitorino on the political roots of the Schengen area crises...
An Op. Ed. on the solidarity and trust crises affecting the Schengen Area and its...
A Pan-European call to safeguard and reform European Welfare states, co-signed in the framework of...
Op. Ed identifying the political issues of the solidarity and sovereignty crises hitting the European...