Avenue de l’Europe, le magazine mensuel de France 3, nous emmène dans une plongée dans...
Interviewed by La Croix on 15 March 2017 to analyse the European issues of the...
60 years of the Treaty of Rome: what future for the European project? What I...
Guest of RFI English on 7 February 2017 for an interview on the state and...
Events | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Sounds | Videos
Intervention during a debate in Rome, February 7, 2017, organised by the Istituto Affari Internazionali...
European democracy | European democracy | Events | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Powers of the EU | Powers of the EU | Videos
As part of the Night of Ideas, organised in Paris by the French Ministry of...
Hearing by the French Senate's Commission of Inquiry on European Borders and the Future Schengen...
Hearing by the Commission of Inquiry of the French Senate on the future of the...
On TRT World on 9 December 2016 for an interview on the European Union and...
Guest of Public Senate on 6 October 2016 for an interview with Nora Hamadi on...