An interview on the future of the European Union after Brexit realized with Neuflize OBC...
An Op.Ed on the reform of the election of Members of the European parliament in...
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A la suite des élections du 24 septembre dernier en Allemagne, Yves Bertoncini, Président du Mouvement...
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En déplacement en Bulgarie, le Président du Mouvement Européen – France Yves Bertoncini a répondu...
Emmanuel Macron a défini dans son discours à la Sorbonne mardi 26 septembre dernier ses...
A policy paper on the use of national referendum on European issues and their political...
Guest of France Info on 17 July 2017 for an interview on the state of...
Guest of France 24 English on 29 June 2017 for a debate on Theresa May's...
Guest of Europe 1 on 25 June 2017 to analyse the willingness of the Franco-German...
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In the first part, Marjolaine Grappe, documentary filmmaker and former correspondent in China, will discuss...