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Tribune on the necessary reinforcement of the European and national parliaments roles in the governance...
In La Libre Belgique on April 9, 2013 for an interview on Margaret Thatcher's European...
In Le Monde of March 1, 2013, to call not to make the EU the...
Guest of France 24 English on 27 February 2013 for a debate on "Europe rising...
Yves Bertoncini, Director of Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, speaks at the conference organized by...
Foreword of a Study by Aziliz Gouez entitled "Forty years a-growing – An overview of...
An interview with the Spanish daily La Razon on the European Union position as regards...
Guest of France 24 English on 22 November 2012 for a debate on David Cameron's...
My take on Ireland and European solidarity - an interview with the Irish Institute for...
My take on European solidarity and the Stability Treaty/Fiscal compact - an interview with the...