Countries of the EU | Economy / Euro / Budget | Videos In Dublin for a speech on solidarity in the Euro zone crisis Guest of the Irish Institute for European and International Affairs in Dublin in May 2012...Read more
Countries of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Powers of the EU | Publications For a European Federation of Nation States. Jacques Delors’ vision revisited Synthesis of the book by Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul on the "European Federation of Nation-states".
Countries of the EU | Economy / Euro / Budget | Publications Scoreboard of public expenditures in the EU and its member states A summary of the main lessons is available here. Extracts from the publication available here.
Countries of the EU | European democracy | FrancEurope | Publications French EU presidency and European elections: from institutional communication to political information? Article on the need to shift from an institutional communication to the transmission of political...Read more
Countries of the EU | European democracy | Publications L’Europe face à l’Autriche : des leçons de morale aux leçons politiques? Article co-signed with Xavier Lardoux published by the Esprit Review in June 2020 and which...Read more