Guest of the RFI English "Paris Live Brexit special" on 31 January 2020 to debate...
Guest of BFM Business on 30 January 2020 for a debate on the "lose-lose" deal...
Boris Johnson's clear victory in the British parliamentary elections on 12 December 2019 paved the...
Quoted by the German Newspaper Handelsblatt on 22 January 2020 in an article analysing Franco-German...
Guest of France 24 English on 19 December 2019 for a debate on the consequences...
Guest of France 24 English on 13 December 2019 from 13.30 to 13.45 to debate...
Guest of "Cultures Monde" on France Culture on December 13, 2019 for a debate on...
Guest of la Semaine de l'économie on France 24 on 1 November 2019 for a...
Guest of "Cultures monde" on France culture on 31 October 2019 for an interview on...
New snub for Boris Johnson in the Brexit saga. British MPs rejected the parliamentary timetable...