Quoted by Angélique Bouin in the 9am news of France Inter on Monday 9 November...
Author of an Op Ed on the stakes of the final negotiations of the European...
My interview with Michel Caniaux and RCF Charente-Maritime on Monday 19 October 2020 on the...
Europe & the world | Europe & the world | Media | Mobility / Schengen | Mobility / Schengen | Videos
Guest of "28 Minutes" on Arte on 24 September 2020 for a debate on the...
Invited by BFM Business on 23 September 2020 to analyse the possibilities of reaching a...
Invited by the "Institut du Bosphore" in Paris on 23 September 2020 to introduce a...
Economy / Euro / Budget | Europe & the world | Events | Life & future of the EU | Mobility / Schengen
Invited by the Representation of the European Commission in France on Wednesday, September 16, 2020...
The "Fondapol" publishes my Study "Relocaliser en France avec l'Europe" on how the European Union...
COVID-19 fuels a welcome debate on the excessive dependence of France and the European Union...
Guest of "Carrefour de l'Europe" on Radio France Internationale on Sunday 14 June for a...