Débat entre Yves Bertoncini, Secrétaire Général de Notre Europe et Luuk Van Middelaar, philosophe politique et historien,...
Tribune on the added value and complementarity of the enlargement and neighbourhood policies of the...
Economy / Euro / Budget | Europe & the world | Life & future of the EU | Mobility / Schengen | Powers of the EU | Publications
Whilst solidarity between European member states is being exposed to a series of tensions, on...
Economy / Euro / Budget | Europe & the world | Life & future of the EU | Mobility / Schengen | Powers of the EU | Publications
Tribune celebrating the political heritage and potential of the Maastricht Treaty - co-signed with Antonio...
Op Ed urging the European Union to celebrate and support politically and economically the "Arab...
Policy analysis on the national and Community legal tools aiming at protecting the European economic...
Scoreboard on France in the global economy elaborated with other experts of the Centre d'analyse...
Scoreboard on Europe in the global economy elaborated with other experts of the Centre d'analyse...
Report presenting the main dimensions of pro growth and competitiveness "Lisbon strategy" - co-signed with...
Synthesis on the European challenges in terms of education and training realized avec other experts...