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Guest on Europe 1's 13h newscast on Thursday December 28, 2023 to analyze and pay...
Guest of Patrick Roger on Sud Radio's Grand matin on Thursday December 21, 2023 for...
My analysis of recent advances in European sovereignty (defense, energy, industry, etc.) and the Gordian...
Interviewed and quoted by La Croix on 29 June 2023 as part of an article...
Guest on Arte's 28 minutes programme on Monday 12 June 2023 after the Annecy attack...
Guest on Arte's 28 minutes programme on Wednesday 10 May 2023 for a debate prompted...
Guest of Educ-EU for an interview in the form of a review of the 2019-2024...
Guest on France Culture's 10pm news programme on Tuesday 11 April 2023 to analyse Emmanuel...
Guest of the "Club Le Chatelier" on LCI on Tuesday 11 April 2023 between 5pm...
Contributor to "La Grande Conversation" initiated by Terra Nova via an analysis assessing the impact...