Economy / Euro / Budget | Europe & the world | Life & future of the EU | Media | Mobility / Schengen
Guest of "Carrefour de l'Europe" on Radio France Internationale on 17 January 2021 for a...
Guest of Café Europe on France Inter on 3 January 2021 for an interview on...
Invited to the 8 o'clock news of Radio France Internationale on 1 January 2021 for...
Guest of the "18-20" of France Inter on 31 December 2020 for an interview on...
Interviewed by the Journal du Dimanche on 27 December 2020 in an article on the...
Guest of BFM TV on 24 December 2020 to comment on the trade and cooperation...
Guest of LCI on 24 December 2020 to discuss the broad outlines of the announced...
Guest of France 24 English "Debate" program on Monday 14 December 2020 on the theme...
Guest of the 28 Minutes programme on Arte on 8 December 2020 for a debate...
Quoted by Estado de Minas on 1 December 2020 for an analysis of the results...