My contribution in the debate on "Variable geometry Europe" - in the framework of an...
The British Prime Minister has signed the letter triggering the exit of the United Kingdom...
10 ans après leur première édition lilloise Yves Bertoncini, Président du Mouvement Européen-France (ME-F), et...
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Traités de Rome : L’Union européenne à la croisée des chemins Après le Brexit, on...
For the four signatories of this platform in Le Monde, rather than competing with europhobia,...
RFI's Alison Hird speaks to Yves Bertoncini, Director of the Jacques Delors Institute, about the...
Sometimes abused in France, conspired by the authorities and a part of the population in...
Events | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Sounds | Videos
Speech at the conference organised in Rome on March 20, 2017, by the Istituto Affari...
My opening speech of the 6th "Etats généraux de l'Europe" in France.