In the Huffington Post for an article published on 30 September 2013 and co-authored with...
Yves Bertoncini intervient à l'Université d'été 2013 du parti socialiste français sur le thème :...
Analysis on the enlargement process of the European Union and its political and diplomatic perception...
Yves Bertoncini, Secretary General of Notre Europe - Jacques Delors Institute, chairs the panel "Europe...
Jacques Delors et Yves Bertoncini participent à la réunion fermée du Conseil sur le futur...
Countries of the EU | Economy / Euro / Budget | European democracy | Life & future of the EU | Powers of the EU | Publications
Tribune on the necessary reinforcement of the European and national parliaments roles in the governance...
In La Libre Belgique on April 9, 2013 for an interview on Margaret Thatcher's European...
Guest of France 24 English on 27 February 2013 for a debate on "Europe rising...
Yves Bertoncini speaks at the Round table on “The democratic deepening of Europe and solidarity...
Guest of Public Sénat on 8 February 2013 for an interview on the Community budget...