In Les Echos : “Même sans eurobonds, la solidarité européenne existe déjà”

In the newspaper Les Echos on Thursday 23 April, which highlights European solidarity already at work by quoting my policy paper on “European solidarity in the face of crises” in an article by Catherine Chatignoux entitled: “Even without Eurobonds, European solidarity already exists” :
“However, it would be wrong to claim that without this final stage (the “coronabonds”), Europe is not displaying solidarity. It does it first and foremost through the European budget, the main vehicle for common policies. Over the last 15 years,” says Yves Bertoncini in a study by the Robert Schuman Foundation, “Germany, the main net contributor to the budget of the EU-27, has transferred 10 billion euros to its partners every year, twice as much as France. Poland received 7.8 billion, Greece 4.5 billion…”