Yves Bertoncini intervient le 26 novembre à 9h30 au Congrès des CCI de l’Eurorégion Alpes-Méditerranée...
Yves Bertoncini responds to one of the participants in the debate "Droit d'inventaire, droit d'inventer",...
Policy-paper analyzing the possible partisan and political power relations to emerge at the occasion of...
Conference in the framework of the University of the Maison de l'Europe in Strasbourg on...
European democracy | European democracy | Life & future of the EU | Life & future of the EU | Powers of the EU | Powers of the EU | Videos
The EU is going through not only an economic crisis but also a real crisis...
Op. Ed analyzing the main political issues of the Spring 2014 European elections.
Tribune putting in perspective the progress of the Common foreign and security policy 20 years...
Yves Bertoncini intervient lors du séminaire organisé par Policy Network à Londres le 28 octobre...
Yves Bertoncini speaks at the “Journées de Bruxelles” organized by the French magazine Le Nouvel...
Speaker at a conference organised by the Robert Schuman Foundation on the 2nd of october...