Yves Bertoncini, secrétaire général de Notre Europe intervient lors la Conférence organisée par le Collège...
An interview on the democratic legitimacy of the European Union européenne and the Euro zone...
In Libération on 18 October 2011 for an Op Ed calling for the creation of...
In The Guardian on 18 October 2011 for an Op Ed calling for the creation...
The French newspaper La Croix dedicates a portrait to me in its section "What will...
Guest of France 24 English on 22 September 2011 for a debate on the financial...
Tribune on the political answers to the multidimensional crisis of the Euro zone, in Greece...
On 7th and 8th July 2011 Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors and Compagnia Di San Paolo...
Tribune on the financial, banking, economic and social dimensions of the "Euro zone crisis".
Op Ed urging the European Union to celebrate and support politically and economically the "Arab...