European democracy | Life & future of the EU | Publications Europe: time for the founding sons Essay on the democratization of the European Union calling to escape from “enlightened despotism” so...Read more
European democracy | Life & future of the EU | Powers of the EU | Publications The European Constitution: a double “yes”! Study describing the main political, institutional and civic dimensions of the European "Constitutional treaty" and...Read more
European democracy | FrancEurope | Publications The European Parliament: a challenge for French influence A Report co-signed with Thierry Chopin, dealing with the lack of French presence and influence...Read more
Countries of the EU | European democracy | Publications L’Europe face à l’Autriche : des leçons de morale aux leçons politiques? Article co-signed with Xavier Lardoux published by the Esprit Review in June 2020 and which...Read more