Invited to give the opening speech at the Colloquium "DSA/DMA: how to achieve European digital...
Guest of Carrefour de l'Europe on Radio France Internationale on Sunday July 4, 2021 for...
Guest of the program 28 Minutes on Arte on June 24, 2021 for a debate...
Quoted by Le Figaro on June 23, 2021 in an article by Anne Rovan devoted...
It has been five years since the referendum on the United Kingdom's membership in the...
In Le Monde on June 22 2021 to co-sign a collective Tribune calling on UEFA...
Participating in the 1st plenary session of the Conference on the future of Europe as...
In the June 2021 issue of "CFDT Magazine" for an interview on the major challenges...
Solicited by the Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale for an interview on the major economic,...
Guest of "Un Monde en docs" on Public Sénat on May 23, 2021 for a...