Countries of the EU | Countries of the EU | Economy / Euro / Budget | Life & future of the EU | Media
Guest of the France 24 news hour at 10pm on Thursday 19 November 2020 to...
Interviewed by France Info TV in a report broadcasted on 19 November 2020 and dealing...
Quoted by Angélique Bouin in the 9am news of France Inter on Monday 9 November...
I am co-author of this Tribune initiated by the European Movement-France and the Association of...
Guest of Philippe ROSSI in the programme 'Les vraies voix' on Sud-Radio on Thursday 5...
In Les Echos on 3 November 2020 to co-sign a Tribune initiated by the European...
Author of an Op Ed on the stakes of the final negotiations of the European...
Countries of the EU | Economy / Euro / Budget | European democracy | Events | Life & future of the EU
Guest of the European Movement Germany on the 26th of October 2020 for an online...
My interview with Michel Caniaux and RCF Charente-Maritime on Monday 19 October 2020 on the...
Guest of Carrefour de l'Europe on Radio France Internationale on October 18, 2020 for a...