Guest of Eurocapitales and the MEF Paris for a debate on “the Brexit and beyond”
On 5 October 2019, researchers, journalists and activists from several European countries, including France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Finland and Greece, met under the auspices of the European Movement of Paris and the Eurocapitales association. The aim was to better understand the origins of Brexit, the current state of negotiations and the economic, social and legal impact of the various options that are emerging. The main points highlighted were the great complexity of a negotiating situation that is changing from day to day and whose outcome remains uncertain.
These debates were stimulated by a round table in which I spoke alongside:
- Thibaud Harrois, Senior Lecturer in British Civilization, Sorbonne Nouvelle University;
- Rainer Geiger, former senior civil servant, Germany, former professor of international economic law, University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne;
- Emma Bell, Irish professor in France, Université de Savoie;
- Jonathan Fryer, writer and lecturer, Liberal Democratic Party, UK ;
- Mark Paterson, President, Federal Union.