A Tribune co-signed with 9 other Presidents of European Movements (from North to South and...
In Atlantico on 5 April 2020 for a contradictory debate on "Eurobonds", the announced "new...
Quoted by L'Opinion on 1 April 2020 in an article on European divisions over coronavirus...
Guest of France Info's Midday News on Thursday 26 March to analyse European economic responses...
Guest of la Semaine de l'économie on France 24 on 1 November 2019 for a...
Guest of the "Economy Week" on 12 July 2019 on France 24 for a debate...
Guest of "la Semaine de l'économie" on France 24 on 12 July 2019 for a...
Guest of "La Semaine de l'économie" on 15 March 2019 on France 24 for a...
Il y a tout juste 20 ans, l’euro faisait son entrée sur les marchés financiers...
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Depuis plusieurs semaines, la crise des Gilets Jaunes fait la Une de l’actualité française. Un...