Quoted by Denik N on 16 July 2020 in an article devoted to the popularity...
In La Croix on May 28 for an Op Ed putting into perspective the France-Netherlands...
A Tribune published by Le Monde on May 27th underlining the virtues of European "ordo-liberalism"...
Invited to "Live BFM" on Tuesday 19 May to analyse the Franco-German recovery plan to...
Guest of Europe 1 radio morning news on Tuesday 19 May to analyse the Franco-German...
In Ouest France for an Op Ed calling for the reaffirmation of the French people...
In Euractiv on 8 May 2020 for a tribune celebrating the Schuman Declaration, at the...
Guest of Atlantico on Sunday 26th April for a contradictory debate on the consequences of...
In The New European on 24 April about Emmanuel Macron's attempts to deepen the European...
Invited by the Europe 1 midday news on Monday 13 April to talk about the...