In Le Vif-L'Express on 20 November 2020 for an interview on the "re-foundation" of Schengen...
I am co-author of this Tribune initiated by the European Movement-France and the Association of...
Guest of Philippe ROSSI in the programme 'Les vraies voix' on Sud-Radio on Thursday 5...
In Les Echos on 3 November 2020 to co-sign a Tribune initiated by the European...
Guest on the France 3 Champagne-Ardenne television news on 9 October 2020 for an interview...
This Video presents some of the issues raised in the study "Relocating in France with...
Guest of "La semaine de l'éco" on France 24 on 25 September 2020 for a...
Invited by Pascal Perri on LCI on 22 September 2020 for an interview on the...
The "Fondapol" publishes my Study "Relocaliser en France avec l'Europe" on how the European Union...
Guest of the 2020 Summer University of the French Socialist Party in Blois on Saturday...